Nov 20, · Mobile banking services were first introduced in a pioneer in this field was the Merita Nordbanken Bank, and since mobile banking started to spread in South-East Asia, Europe and the USA. Many experts believe that mobile banking is most promising electronic delivery channel of banking services, since it allows to implement the Every Word in Research Paper On Mobile Services Its Right Place Hitting your word count or getting the correct solution is only half the job. We'll fill /10() This paper examines issues in providing services via wireless technologies, i.e. mobile services. The paper discusses the challenges facing mobile services, such as changes in business strategies Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Mobile Devices Research Papers -
Mobile computing can be defined as the use of portable computers connected to the internet to receive and store information. According to Kumar n. The mobile computing device helps a person to access, process and retrieve information from anywhere research paper on mobile services any time.
Such devices are connected to wireless transmission, cables, telephone wire, or any other internet connection. Whether stationed at one research paper on mobile services or moving, the information being processed or managed is not interfered with. According to Hagan School of Businessmobile computing can be used by patients to monitor the situation of a disease they are suffering from, research paper on mobile services. Mobile computing can also be used in transmission of information to nurses wherever they are stationed, for example, in hospitals.
Hagan School of Businessfurther states that the monitoring tag which acts as transceiver stores information on medical and diagnostic updates besides receiving. This technology is capable of improving resource management and logistics via more timely and precise information. According to Shahriyar et al. According to the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology RMIT Universitymobile computing gives a patient the required necessary information research paper on mobile services could take time for nurses to explain to a patient.
In this case, mobile computing devices are considered appropriate compared to a patient visiting a hospital since they patients can get information which the nurses might not have time to explain to them patients due to workload, research paper on mobile services. However, entering information to these devices can be time consuming compared to recording the same manually.
On the other hand, since the patient records have not evolved it has become research paper on mobile services challenge for some of the things to be done over the chosen device RMIT University Along this line of thought it becomes necessary for one to visit a hospital or doctors since it will be possible clarify what is not included in the monitoring devices.
With the use of mobile computing devices, patients are in a position to monitor the progress of their condition unlike when one is visiting a hospital and does not rely on mobile computing because in such a situation the only information a patient will have is what the doctor chooses to give share.
Therefore mobile computing encourages self-monitoring of the patient. This assists the patient to know where to go and visit the doctor even if they were not supposed to at a particular point depending on their condition. According to RMIT Universitymobile computing devices reduce medical errors. They also increase the chances of giving a patient the appropriate prescription through the suggested drugs and frequency of taking a dosage.
This is a great move in the medical field since patients are assured to get the right drugs and the right dosage even when the clinicians are overwhelmed by work at the hospitals. Mobile computing also helps clinicians to get practical audit and analysis through the use of data from these devices to revisit clinical practical patterns RMIT University Mobile computing reduces the time that nurses use for administrative work hence increasing the efficiency of attending to the patients.
It is also noted that since using mobile computing is easier compared to patient queuing, it then acts as a motivation to clinicians as it creates more time for them thus reducing the possibility of being overworked. Mobile computing in medical field reduces costs through cheap tests and drugs and less medication errors.
This is so due to the easier way of getting relevant and necessary information related to the patients unlike other old machines that were traditionally used. Mobile computing reduces person-to- person interaction between a patient and a doctor. This is a disadvantage compared to visiting a doctor whereby a doctor can ask and clarify any question unlike mobile computing which is sometimes limited to the information that it provides.
Failure to know the command might equally mean that no information will be received. According to RMIT Universitysome screens are too small to write in excel. This is a challenge since information is well and easier interpreted when it is put in excel rather than Microsoft word. It therefore becomes hard for information to be put in some devices which do not have enough screens to accommodate the required information.
It is argued that mobile computing can sometimes be time consuming as research paper on mobile services enters the required details into the devices, research paper on mobile services.
According to Stanford Universitymobile computing devices carry huge amount of data and since they are portable it becomes difficult to keep this information secure. It is further argued that even if they are left somewhere else with no one observing them, intruders can access the information stored in them hence not being secure especially when they are not protected. This is a disadvantage since one is not sure who can access the information concerning his or her health or when he or she can lose this vital device that helps in monitoring his or her health condition.
It is suggested that a user of the device should be alert in the operation and also ensure that the information is protected against any other unauthorized person. Gasca highlights that mobile computing gives many people an opportunity to share experiences with others in different areas, research paper on mobile services.
These support groups are designed to reduce stress to patients, research paper on mobile services, increase communication between one patient and others who are suffering from the same disease and also with the doctor monitoring them. Support groups also help the patients to access relevant information from the support group members that can be important for their improvement.
Support groups through mobile computing create an interactive system for patients to change their behaviors and attitude towards diseases they are ailing from. Through learning how other patients are dealing with the same diseases an individual is encouraged and motivated to try the same procedures. Mobile computing in the medical field has contributed to improvement in the care of patients especially for those patients suffering from chronic diseases and need to be monitored from time to time.
This a great progress in the medical field, however, it is also a challenge to research paper on mobile services who may not afford such gadgets since they cannot access such services. Given that these devices can help individuals to monitor their health, it is possible that many people using such devices may live longer than they were to live without them. This is because they research paper on mobile services the right information even without having to visit hospitals at the time they cannot reach there.
Gasca, E. Assisting Support Groups of Patients with Chronic Diseases through Persuasive Computing, Journal of Universal Computer Science, 15 16 Hagan School of Business: Mobile Computing for Hospitals: Transition Problems. Need a custom Research Paper sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Mobile Computing. Introduction Mobile computing can be defined as the use of portable computers connected to the internet to receive and store information.
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