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Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. The Authentic Dissertation - Alternative ways of knowing, research, authentic dissertation four arrows, and representation Pre-print Part 7 4th Presentation for Don Jacobs. Simon Pockley. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper.
A short summary of this paper. The Authentic Dissertation - Alternative ways of knowing, research, and representation. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the advice and information in this book is true and accurate at the time of going to press. However, neither the publisher nor the authors can accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. Profundity is seldom achieved by misquoting the authentic dissertation four arrows 5 of those who cannot return to defend themselves.
It is an unfortunate habit 6 cultivated by the more modest minds at Oxford who can only impress their 7 peers by building authentic dissertation four arrows a bulwark of old ideas. It disguises, of course, the absence of any new ones of their own.
By all means, use the quotes of the dead to 8 clear the known ground, and then dare to walk the wildest unknown path. Doctoral programs represent the highest level 7 of such education, and dissertation work is the pinnacle event in them.
The dissertation authors featured in this text recognize how 5 tapping into more diverse perspectives, more authentic experience and 6 reflection, authentic dissertation four arrows, and more creative abilities can address the problems, authentic dissertation four arrows.
They are authentic. The goal of this book is not to replace the historical values of academic research in the Western tradition, but only to challenge some of these values and offer alternative ideas that stem from different, sometimes opposing values. Some scholars are concerned that such an effort may result in less rigor, quality, and excellence than seems to be associated with the status quo ideas about dissertation work.
I submit that such work may actually be more likely to reach standards of excellence than those projects whose authors are stifled by the confines of academic rules and habits. These findings are relevant 4 to legitimate concerns about the rigor of work that is arts-informed, storied, 5 autobiographical, critical, anti-oppressive, ecologically situated, or indigenous- 6 oriented.
However, this book contributes 7 something different to the alternative dissertation movement and a movement 8 it is. They share their reasons for challenging the status quo and the 1 special value of their subsequent scholarship. These stories are presented as a 2 transcript of an imaginary conference on alternative ways of knowing, research, 3 and representation, authentic dissertation four arrows.
These individuals include such 5 notable thinkers as Patrick Slattery, Elliot Eisner, Robert Kaplan, Howard 6 Gardner, Manulani Meyer, Thomas Barone, Gregory Cajete, Rita Irwin, and 7 many others. Samson, is a Western 1 gatekeeper steeped in traditional academic assumptions about research. These 2 two will help stimulate a meaningful dialogue that will help readers assess the 3 merits and challenges surrounding the various topics.
Some have authentic dissertation four arrows so with research approaches that understand and challenge hegemonic beliefs that objectivity is an essential aspect of legitimate research. Linda Tuhiwai Smith says in her book, Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples, authentic dissertation four arrows, that representation is important because it leaves an imprint of what is true, and that presentation form can be central to the achievement of research goals.
These pioneers and others like them have already had an impact on research methods and forms of representation. Nonetheless, authentic dissertation four arrows, as difficult as it is to categorize the dissertations authentic dissertation four arrows represented in this text, I have attempted to do so according to the basic form 8 of representation that was used.
Perhaps doing this will enhance the usability of 1 this text as a reference. Indigenous research and its long 3 history of resistance to colonizing research methods may offer an antidote to 4 this problem. Day Five presenters tell about the dissertation journeys that emphasized drama and dialogue in the work. Day Six discusses autoethnographic and autobiographical dissertations. Day Seven focuses on the voices of research participants, ending with an example of a web-based dissertation.
The day closes with commentary from some pioneers whose experience summarizes the importance of this work. I want to reiterate that these categories have very loose boundaries and many dissertations incorporated mixed methods, authentic dissertation four arrows of inquiry, and forms of representation. Her name is Amy Scatlif. I find that the students authentic dissertation four arrows follow the 2 conventional rules early on in their coursework rarely imagine a more 3 innovative dissertation.
We resist colonial models of writing by talking about ourselves 6 first and then relating pieces of our stories and ideas to the research topic.
Mi chante ata wo wogala ke, na nape chiusu pelo. My relatives, 2 I speak from my heart and offer each of you a warm handshake.
I am a mother and a grandmother, authentic dissertation four arrows. I 6 grew up on the Pine Ridge Reservation near the town of Porcupine. I am also 7 a retired university professor, so I think I understand a little of the world most 8 of you live in now. Samson, someone asked if I would translate the opening prayer I offered in the Lakota language 1 this morning, before the transcribing of our sessions together began.
In essence 2 I was saying that each of us, as well as all of those in our communities, authentic dissertation four arrows, 3 have important contributions to make in putting our world back into balance. I offered that the fate of future generations is in our hands. I said that we must use our minds, our hearts, authentic dissertation four arrows, our intuitions, and our spiritual awareness all together. I explained that it is expected that what we were given in life we can use in positive ways for the health of all the People, which includes not only us two-legged, but all of that which exists with spirit, from the rocks on Mother Earth to the birds authentic dissertation four arrows Father Sky.
I talked about seeing ourselves as part of the universe, both the visible and the invisible universe, and that we as humans are not better or not worse than the trees, the grasses, the animals, or the stars. I ended by reminding us that we are all related.
Now it is my honor to introduce Dr. Carl Samson, a distinguished professor and author of numerous texts on research methodologies. Carl will serve with me during our week together as sort of a co-facilitator. Samson: Thanks Runner for sharing with us the meaning of the beautiful Lakota words you spoke to us this morning. I must say though, that I am authentic dissertation four arrows all that comfortable with prayers in this or any other academic setting. I hope talking to rocks will not be part of the alternative dissertation agenda laughing.
Runner: It is not the talking to the rock so much but the listening that would be important for dissertations laughing. In other words, we hope they will be dialogical and open for continued learning as opposed to attempting to win a particular position.
Oh, and I will be the first to admit, not all of the rocks can talk, only some smiling. Samson: Laughing with the audience OK. For the sake of readers who will want to use this transcript as a resource, we have tried to organize the presentations according to some kind of logical structure. We will begin with a number of Indigenous presenters. Please give Wahinkpe Topa, Four Arrows, a welcome.
I want to talk to you a little 2 about my own dissertation for the Curriculum and Instruction doctorate, with 3 a cognate in American Indian worldviews, which I received from Boise State 4 University in I believe it is a good example of how Indigenous scholars 5 see personal experience and introspection as a major source of authentic 6 authority. I 6 wound up living and working on the Pine Ridge Reservation eventually.
I 7 became a Lakota Sun Dancer and during a vision quest I saw the things that 8 ultimately resulted in my being given my Lakota name. Years later, on the 9 day the U. invaded Iraq, another vision guided me to start going by this name publicly.
In any case, I wanted to mention the relevance of the vision in connection 5 to my name because the vision is considered to be a legitimate source for new 6 knowledge in Indigenous cultures and a vision was the centerpiece of my own 7 dissertation, authentic dissertation four arrows. We have in our DNA the 1 potential to recall the harmony and balance of life that we understood from 2 living and observing in that space.
We can tap into this knowing to again bring 3 about right relationships with all of creation, authentic dissertation four arrows. I do not intend that we should 4 not pay special attention to contemporary Indigenous peoples or that we 5 should not try to stop genocide and oppression and injustice against them. Nor 6 do I want to suggest that anyone can easily access Indigenous wisdom.
Although disappointed and a bit confused about what would happen next, I was not really surprised. I was fifty- four years of age and pursuing my second doctoral degree, the first obtained more than twenty years previously. I was also not surprised because my dissertation proposal had not prepared anyone for the final product, including myself!
It had merely explained that I would return to live with and research the Raramuri Indians of Mexico also known as the Tarahumara. The proposal was also supposed to be an ethno- graphic study about how the cultural wisdom of their shamans can be a model for transformative learning and for the kind of critical thinking and situated action that can overcome educational hegemony in schools.
My proposal was not completely forthcoming, however. I did not mention the two most important reasons I wanted to authentic dissertation four arrows to the remote Raramuri lands. The Raramuri Indians had saved my life and the authentic dissertation four arrows of my companion. During our incredible climb out of the eight- thousand-foot steep canyon, I had a vision that I had been reflecting on for many years.
It related to a mountain lion and a fawn and it had been life transforming for me. It led me to ideas about the role of trance states, fear, authority, language, and nature in the process of transformative learning, authentic dissertation four arrows, although framing it in these ways was a result of my new dissertation studies.
At the time of my dissertation work, I wanted to better understand the vision and how it had seemed to affect my life and what could be gleaned from it that would have an application in the field of education.
I said nothing about my vision in my dissertation proposal for two reasons. First, I did not know for sure if it would actually play a role in my final dissertation or not. Second, even if I thought it might play significantly into my dissertation, I knew that my committee would not have accepted a vision as a basis for my research hypothesis.
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