Tuesday, October 12, 2021

An experiential learning essay

An experiential learning essay

an experiential learning essay

Experiential Learning Essay Samples Examples Of Experiential Learning. BASIC CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES In order to label the process of learning from Experiential Learning Reflection. This has enforced various skill enhancement programs proposed by Excerpt from Term Paper: Experiential Learning. I am a registered nurse from Westmoreland County Community College in Youngwood, Pennsylvania and currently taking up a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Waynesburg College. At present, I am a nurse case manager at the Mercy Home Health in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where I extend nursing care of clients at home and attend to their While everyone is different, there is one way to retain and comprehend knowledge while gaining hands-on experience. Some say the best way to learn is to relate the information to their lives in some way. This is the key concept when talking about experiential learning. The definition of experiential learning according to “Enhancing Student Experiential Learning with Structured Interviews” by Robert

How to Write an Experiential Essay

Experiential Learning I am a registered nurse from Westmoreland County Community College in Youngwood, an experiential learning essay, Pennsylvania and currently taking up a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Waynesburg College. At present, I am a nurse case manager at the Mercy Home Health in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where I extend nursing care of clients at home and attend to their educational requirements in collaboration with a multi-disciplinary team and physicians.

I also coordinate with the staff on patient care and document reimbursement requirements. I likewise function as a disease case manager at the McKesson Health Solutions in Broomfield Colorado. In discharging this function, I education health plan members on the disease process and managementdocument and input findings into their health plans, make referrals and coordinate individual needs with treatment providers and the health plan. At Southwest Women's Council in Uniontown, at the Three Rivers Health Plan in Monroeville, at the HIS of Greater Pittsburgh in Greensburg; a utilization review coordinator at the Medi Home Health in Monroeville; an experiential learning essay manager at In Home Health also in Greensbur; a patient care coordinator at Family Home Health; field staff nurse at Key Care Home Health Services, staff nurse at Saint Mary's Hospital in Richmond, Virginia and at the Frick An experiential learning essay in Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania.

David Kolb and fellow theorists in the early s suggested that all learning lies in the way a person processes experience or the critical reflection of experience Kelly They saw learning as beginning from experience, an experiential learning essay, continuing with reflection and leading to action, in turn translating into another experience for reflection. Kolb first refined the concept into two separate learning activities, i.

If the critical reflection stage asks questions about the experience in terms of previous and similar or related experiences, the abstract conceptualization stage attempts to find answers to the questions. In this stage, generalizations, conclusions and hypotheses are drawn about the experience. It provides a kind of interpretation for the action stage, where the hypotheses are tried out. Learning utilizes logic and ideas instead of feelings, in understanding problems or situations.

It relies on systematic planning and forms theories and ideas to solve problems. Kolb thought that a preferred learning style enables a person to understand his areas of weakness, increases his proficiency, and helps him realize his strengths in certain situations, such as deciding on a career Kelly This is of greater value on educators than on learners, as it re-emphasizes experience as a critical part of learning. Kolb noted that even in current times, most education is still essentialist, which puts little weight or focus on learner experience.

Most teachers tend to pay greater attention on introducing information than on students' need to reflect on the information. The Theory can be integrated into one's teaching style, wherein the teacher can give students a few minutes to reflect on what has been introduced, taught or explained, especially if it is difficult. The Theory stresses that the internal processes of learning are just as important as the external Kelly. Ray L. Birdwhistell focused on non-verbal communication and derived most of his studies on kinesics Kirby He studied and analyzed the way people interacted among themselves through watching films.

His observation was that people appeared to transfer information by speaking, through their eye movements, facial expressions and their chest. He noticed that these forms of non-verbal communication occur without their noticing it.

He was most fascinated with his studies and, as a consequence, an experiential learning essay, he co-produced the film TRDan minute 16 mm black-and-white sound film, with Jacques van Valck, an experiential learning essay.

It was about an English pub scene in a middle class London hotel and provided them with a tool in observing the behavior of listeners He also noted that information has less to do with its inherent message or meaning and more to a degree of order or non-randomness, which is measurable and treated mathematically like mass, energy or other physical quantities. A generalized communication system is characterized by a rate at which information is produced at the source, the capacity of the means to handle or transfer information, and the average amount of information in a message of some type, an experiential learning essay.

Shannon added that most of the techniques used with information theory are derived from the mathematical science of probability New York University. OK Berlo writes about the Leary Model and therapeutic communication Plattsburg It grows out of the concept that communication is a reciprocal process wherein the sender and the receiver of a message simultaneously participate.

People who send and receive messages day by day are influenced by past experiences, values, beliefs, knowledge, cultureeducation, the content of the message, and how they feel about themselves and others. These factors can and often disrupt the sender's intention of an experiential learning essay message when it reaches the recipient. It thus becomes important to evaluate and validate the message.

People self-talk. This is intrapersonal communication, or the way one communicates with himself. A staff nurse, for example, who has just had a bad time with her nurse manager will be angry in her self-talk and make unpleasant or angry self-comments about the nurse manager. Her self-talk will also influence or shape her further communication with the staff.

Getting trapped or too involved in routine tasks and procedures and socialization or environmental issues can interfere with nurse-client communication. This calls attention to the importance of forming therapeutic relationships and fostering therapeutic communication Plattsburg Nurses must improve communication skills constantly. Their workloads may reach a high when challenges ensue especially in acute care settings.

Nurses who are experienced and skilled in communication an experiential learning essay can establish such relationships. Berlo emphasizes that messages are sent and received simultaneously and they thus constitute a transaction, wherein the sender continuously reacts to the response of the receiver and the other way around. The exchange is also the relationship between them and how they influence each other. A nurse who is sensitive to a client's cues an experiential learning essay the appropriate technique for meeting the latter's needs.

As already mentioned, it is multi-dimensional, in that both sender and receiver put in their separate values, beliefs, culture, knowledge and past experiences into the exchange and such factors can alter or interfere with the authentic message being transmitted. People reveal themselves through these interactions and thus enable or disable the formation of a relationship. Through this relationship, communication is shaped and enhanced and proper results are achieved. Another element of communication is content Plattsburgh Content includes words and information and the relationship or the lack of it shapes or colors the message sent or received.

Within a caring relationship, the information is interpreted by the recipient as helpful, while an antagonistic relationship will construe the same message as an attempt to control his or her behavior. Communication transaction, therefore, derives from both the relationship and the content of the message and calls for attention to both.

Berlo sees relationship as the more powerful determinant of effective or therapeutic communication. A nurse-client relationship is viewed as an interpersonal, therapeutic or helping an experiential learning essay, which develops out of an emotional bonding of mutual trust, respect and acceptance focused on the client's well-being. Such a relationship is dynamic, with time constraint, and goal-oriented and an experiential learning essay unequal sharing.

It is an experiential learning essay like a spontaneous and mutual social relationship. Berlo suggests his classic source-message-channel receiver model or SMCR communication model, which has a source, a message, a channel and a receiver. The message depends on communication skills, attitudes, knowledge, social system and culture inputs.

The message is passed on through sensory channels while the recipient interprets through communication skills, attitudes, knowledge, social systems and culture. In my nursing careerI have had the opportunity of putting all the given theories into practice, an experiential learning essay. I apply both critical reflection and abstract conceptualization of my experiences with clients in confronting questions raised by critical reflection of their situations and in attempting to derive answers to these questions.

I reflect on what experience teaches me and compares it with previous ones as well as those of others in the practice. I find Birdwhistell's non-verbal communication theory useful in observing my clients' responses to me and to others in the field.

I recognize that many responses are non-verbal…. Kelly, C. David Kolb, The Theory an experiential learning essay Experiential Learning and ESL. The Internet TESL Journal, volume III number 9. Kirby, E. Emuseum: Minnesota State University. html 3. New York University. Claude Shannon. html 4. Berlo Therapeutic Theory, an experiential learning essay.

In addition, the use of a collaborative online environment for producing educational videos was shown to be an effective an experiential learning essay to promoting experiential learning. In the final analysis, it is reasonable to conclude that as educators gain more experience with online educational programs, there will be further integration of experiential learning opportunities that will draw on the multimedia-savvy strengths of today's an experiential learning essay. Works Cited Aragon, Steven R.

Facilitating Learning in Online. Experiential Learning in the Exploration of Diversity: Getting Out of the Comfort Zone The objective of this study is to select an activity that places one outside of the normal environment.

For the purpose of this study chosen was a wheelchair and the public setting chosen was a city zoo. For the purpose of this study, the writer of this work pretended as though blind and unable to see but only. Some of the main strategies that can be used to measure if I have achieved my objectives are as follows; 1.

For better communication skills, conversation will be asked with peers, teachers and friends in order to analyze if the required goal has been achieved, if the main concept of the talk has been talked and the aim of the conversation has been achieved.

For the testing of the decision making. experiential learning theory. This will be accomplished by focusing on how these ideas are incorporated into their thinking, the way it is influencing the individual and the application of key concepts. When this happens, an experiential learning essay, specific insights are provided showing how this will impact the person's ability to recall them in the future.

Introduction of experiential learning Experiential learning is the process of comprehending ideas based the experiences of the individual to. Life experience vs. classroom education Any evaluation of the an experiential learning essay of knowledge received through "life experience" compared with that of traditional methods of learning, such as completion of college courses, must take into account what type of life experience is being considered, but almost every type of job experience can provide profound and lasting benefits for an individual.

For instance, a 6-month stint as a burger jockey may not appear to. Progressive education can fail to build upon past frameworks of student knowledge, an experiential learning essay, according to Dewey, because of its scattered syllabus, based on student whims of the moment, while an experiential learning essay student was still gaining self-knowledge and self-mastery.

Progressive education has some other inherent structural problems, such as the difficulty of evaluating and assessing the learner. If the student sets the terms of the learning process, how can the teacher evaluate whether. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Download this Term Paper in word format. Excerpt from Term Paper : Experiential Learning I am a registered nurse from Westmoreland County Community College in Youngwood, Pennsylvania and currently taking up a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Waynesburg College.

Kolb's Learning Cycle Explained with Example

, time: 10:58

experientiental learning - Essay - words

an experiential learning essay

While everyone is different, there is one way to retain and comprehend knowledge while gaining hands-on experience. Some say the best way to learn is to relate the information to their lives in some way. This is the key concept when talking about experiential learning. The definition of experiential learning according to “Enhancing Student Experiential Learning with Structured Interviews” by Robert Experiential Learning Essay Samples Examples Of Experiential Learning. BASIC CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES In order to label the process of learning from Experiential Learning Reflection. This has enforced various skill enhancement programs proposed by Excerpt from Term Paper: Experiential Learning. I am a registered nurse from Westmoreland County Community College in Youngwood, Pennsylvania and currently taking up a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Waynesburg College. At present, I am a nurse case manager at the Mercy Home Health in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where I extend nursing care of clients at home and attend to their

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