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Aboriginal culture essay

Aboriginal culture essay

aboriginal culture essay

aboriginal culture essaysAboriginal have began to live in Australia nearly about 1 million years ago. Some people believe that originally came from different parts of the world. And migrate to Australia. When they came to Australia they became to Aboriginal History and Culture Essay. Words3 Pages. Aboriginal History and Culture. Aborigines are believed to have lived in Australia for between 60, and 40, years, their early ancestors coming from South-East Asia. Precise population details for the period before European colonisation are unavailable, but it is estimated that there were between , Apr 27,  · Australian Aboriginal Culture - Essay. Aboriginals or indigenous Australians are the native people of Australia. Aboriginals were nomadic people who came to Australia about 40, – 60, years ago from Southeast Asia. Religion is a great part of Aboriginal culture

Aboriginal History and Culture Essay - Words | Bartleby

It is known that kinship system is considered to be a fundamental principle of organizing people into different social groups, where they perform different roles. As this form of organization aboriginal culture essay is based on parentage and marriage can be found in every human society, kinship system is of great importance. Today, in modern industrial communities family structures are rather weakened because of the dominance of the market economy and the activity of social services.

However, any nuclear family household which can be found in any society is still the basic institution that is responsible for rearing children and organizing consumption. In some nonindustrial contexts, kinship system normally has a greater number of functions. In this case, kinship units usually serve as the main units of production, representation of political authority and even as religious structures for the worship of spiritual beings, aboriginal culture essay, who are themselves considered to be the members of the kinship system.

Kinship systems in foraging and horticultural based aboriginal culture essay provide support for people in all stages of their life. According to the anthropological data, Australian aboriginal kinship is one of the most complex kinship systems in the world, aboriginal culture essay.

Some experts consider that it is the basis of all social interaction, aboriginal culture essay. It is found that the kinship aboriginal culture essay of any particular tribe can control and maintain the network of interpersonal relationships in the tribe and direct its members in their interactions with other members of the tribe.

Moreover, Australian Aboriginal kinship is not only the system of law which governs social interactions, such as marriage, aboriginal culture essay, in traditional Australian Aboriginal culture, it is also an integral part of the culture of every Aboriginal group located on the territory of Australia. Aboriginal kinship system of Australia has the following characteristic features: As kinship is an integral part of the social organization, the tribal members are divided into several categories with special names used in each tribe.

The relatives-in-law take place in the same categories as consanguine relatives. The husbands and wives are aboriginal culture essay to each other as kin. In aboriginal Australia, classificatory kinship is used. For example, if a man or a woman addresses another man or woman with a particular kin term he or she will use the same kin term for his full brother or sister. However, there are taboos between the man and the wives or husbands of these kin.

The basic kinship in aboriginal Australia is the nuclear family. In some areas of Australia, for example in the Dieri, the provision of secondary wives can be found and in western Arnhem Land, the aboriginal culture essay of secondary husbands can be found. Monroe,para, aboriginal culture essay. It is known that Australian aboriginal culture is one of the oldest living cultures in the world. Its main peculiarity is that it is closely connected with nature. According to the traditional aboriginal belief system, nature and landscape are of the same importance as the Bible in Christian world.

The Australian aborigines worship prominent rocks and canyons, aboriginal culture essay and waterfalls, sun and moon, and, of course, animals — they are all sacred. As aboriginal Aboriginal culture essay consists of hundreds of tribal divisions and language groups with different cultural practices, it is impossible to describe all of them.

However, it is easy to identify the main common features of their cultures. First of all, different practices and ceremonies play an important role in the life of aborigines. Secondly, the belief systems of Australian aborigines are based on spiritual values, including Rainbow Serpent, the main ancestral being, aboriginal culture essay, Baiame and Bunjil, the main creator spirits. Besides, music and art are unique in aboriginal Australia.

The kinship system impacts the way this culture behaves. For example, numerous ceremonies are conducted by certain kin members, one of them is Bora, an initiation ceremony when aboriginal boys become men, aboriginal culture essay. One more example is participation in music festivals when the Arnhem Land people aboriginal culture essay men play Yolngu. Also, the Djabwurrung and Jardwadjali people of western Victoria participate in the traditional game of Marn Grook, a type of football played only by men from different groups.

In our society, kinship also plays an important role. At the same time, it is not only kinship that affects the cultural development of aboriginal culture essay society. In this regard, it is possible to refer to the Basseri of Iran, the tribe that has undergone considerable changes in the course of its history, especially during the 20th century aboriginal culture essay in considerable social, economic and political changes within the tribe.

The Basseri of Iran are a pastoral, aboriginal culture essay, nomadic tribe in Iran. However, today, the Basseri have started to change their traditional lifestyle, social and political system. Consistent changes in contemporary Iran affected substantially the Basseri tribe, aboriginal culture essay. In fact, today, the Basseri undergo considerable changes that have already changed their role in the political life of Iran.

In addition, today, the Basseri undergo consistent social changes that affect the structure of their tribe and social relations with the tribe as well as the lifestyle of the Basseri. First of all, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that the traditional social system of the Basseri was grounded on tents. A tent is a basic social unit of Basseri.

The leader of the tent deals with the formal officers of the tribe, villagers and other strangers, aboriginal culture essay.

However, today, the tribes have disintegrated into small segments without powerful tribal chiefs Amanolahi,p. Therefore, the Basseri tribe has started to fell apart since the first half of the 20th century, whereas today this process has become even stronger.

This trend is the result of the shift from the nomadic lifestyle to sedentarization. The Basseri is a traditional, nomadic tribe but the Basseri were forcefully sedentarized in their summer and winter aboriginal culture essay in One of the major consequences of forced sedentarizzation was that, aboriginal culture essay, with the tribesmen no longer mobile, it became easy for the state to supervise their activities Amanolahi,p. Along with the change of the traditional lifestyle of the Basseri, the tribe has undergone consistent social changes that have been already mentioned above.

The tribe could not exist anymore as the nomadic tribe and its traditional social structure has started to change because the Basseri stayed in their settlements that slowed down their communication between different segments of the tribe.

Each segment has started to develop as an independent unit of the tribe and the close connections that existed within the tribe have weakened under the impact of the sedentarization of the tribe.

At the same time, the tribe has virtually stopped its nomadic lifestyle. Therefore, the Basseri had to develop absolutely new lifestyle, including new socioeconomic activities. The tribe could not maintain its pastoral, nomadic aboriginal culture essay and should focus on new socioeconomic activities, which in their turn affected consistently the social stratification of segments of the aboriginal culture essay as leaders of tents grew richer compared to other members of the tribe.

The traditional exchange of products between the Basseri and sedentary population of Iran changed too because the Basseri became similar to the rest of the sedentary population of Iran and lost its nomadic traditions.

Structural changes in social and economic life of the Basseri led to the degradation of the Basseri tribe as independent tribe within Iran. Instead, the tribe has started its close assimilation into the Iranian society because segments of the Basseri tribe, being weakened by the sedentarization could not resist to the impact of the mainstream Iranian culture. Furthermore, the process of urbanization has reduced the traditional political power of the pastoral nomads that they no longer play their traditional political role Amanolahi,p.

The urbanization was the effect of socioeconomic changes in Iran. As Iranian economy progress and became more and more industrialized, the agriculture started to lose its role as the main branch of the national economy. In addition, aboriginal culture essay, such tribes as the Basseri had to change their lifestyle to survive in the competitive economic struggle. Many Basseri had to settle in cities and towns, where they could aboriginal culture essay some job and survive, while traditional lifestyle put them on the edge of survival.

As the Basseri tribe has become aboriginal culture essay and weakened by the sedentarization and urbanization, its political power has started to decrease too. The pastoral nomads have lost not only their political power in relation to the central government, but their social organization and their way of life have changed radically Amanolahi,p. As a result, today, the Basseri comprise an integral part of Iranian society with low impact on the political life of the country.

They aboriginal culture essay lead the traditional nomadic lifestyle any more. Therefore, they have lost their political power as a solid and influential tribe. The Basseri tribe is just falling apart that naturally weakens its aboriginal culture essay and economic power, aboriginal culture essay, while, in a long-run perspective, the tribe is likely to face the problem of the full assimilation into the mainstream Iranian culture to the extent that the Basseri can lose their cultural and national identity.

In conclusion, it is necessary to say that today anthropologists are greatly interested in the comparative study of kinship systems in order to discover some universal patterns and the variable forms that they take in specific societies.

In this respect, the experience of the study of the Basseri is particularly noteworthy for the Basseri have undergone considerable changes in the course of the 20th century. The forced sedentarization and urbanization changed the traditional lifestyle of the Basseri.

They are not as nomad as they used to be in the past. Moreover, the tribe segmentation weakens its political role and economic power in Iran. Custom papers you get from our writing experts should be used for research purposes only. These papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic credit.

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aboriginal culture essays

aboriginal culture essay

Australian Aborigines are thought to have the longest continuous cultural history in the world. Yet, within a hundred years, the near extinction of the Aboriginal culture almost occurred. This single event, the invasion of the Australian continent by European settlers, changed the lifestyle, the culture, and the fate of Australian Aborigines. Their entire lives were essentially taken Aboriginal History and Culture Essay. Words3 Pages. Aboriginal History and Culture. Aborigines are believed to have lived in Australia for between 60, and 40, years, their early ancestors coming from South-East Asia. Precise population details for the period before European colonisation are unavailable, but it is estimated that there were between , aboriginal culture essaysAboriginal have began to live in Australia nearly about 1 million years ago. Some people believe that originally came from different parts of the world. And migrate to Australia. When they came to Australia they became to

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